
Application in Treatment

electronic health records

increase provider efficiency and performance; increased communication with primary care; single patient medical record; prescription database

controlled automated methadone dispensing pumps

accurate measured dosing; integration with clinic computer software

automated methadone dispensing system

patient identification via biometrics; dispensing based on electronic dispensing record; dosing updated to electronic medical record

clinic addiction management systems

inventory control; electronic dispensing; electronic medical signatures administration & regulatory agency reporting

extended-release medications

promote adherence; reduced side effects - steady state medication levels

immunologic-based therapies

neutralizing monoclonal antibodies; vaccines to prevent illicit drug effects

prescription monitoring plans

web-based point-of-care record of patient’s controlled medication use

overdose prevention

non-injectable drug delivery for ease of use

technology-based delivery of psychosocial interventions

electronic screening and brief intervention (SBIRT); web-based counseling web-based therapeutic education systems phone-based recovery support-messaging systems